How To Passively Own A Franchise

I want to double, triple, or quadruple my income while working the same hours.

Success and income are not correlated to the time I personally invest.

We have systems that function without me. We could add 1, 5, 10, or 20+ units in a single transaction, and my day-to-day wouldn’t change.

Franchising makes this possible.

We rinse & repeat the same business model over and over again:

  • Back office team onboards new employees.
  • District Managers oversee the new locations from day 1.
  • Operational we have the same point-of-sale, pricing, comp plans, local marketing, credit card processing, etc.

Systems work when you have a repeatable process

A Bigger Business

The only way to disconnect from your time is to build a big business with enough cash flow to support hiring multiple six-figure leadership roles.

The best part of franchising is you can start anywhere.

You can start with one unit and wear every hat: the Investor, CEO, COO, CFO, VP of Sales, & Janitor.

Then you start compounding by investing cash flow to buy more units.

Now you can afford to hire specific roles. Every role you hand off frees up time for you to focus on high-value activities.

You don’t have to start small. We started with 13 units of That 1 Painter and hired a Regional Director (RD) from day 1. The franchisor trained our RD and he knows the business better than me!

High-Value Activities

How do you spend your time once it’s disconnected from success?

I spend most of my time on this flywheel:

1) Create a big vision of a thriving business

2) Find people who buy into that vision

3) Provide a process via franchising

4) Invest capital to make it happen


The flywheel starts to spin faster & faster.

My vision of what’s possible gets bigger. I attract more high-quality people into my world.

We know what processes are in our wheelhouse and our capital compounds.

This opens the door for a bigger vision…. and we go around again.

How to Passively Own A Franchise

To answer my original question on passively owning a franchise.

You must find a partner who eats, sleeps, and breathes the business. Remember, as a passive investor, you won’t have much influence over its performance.

  1. Find a rock-star operating partner. Someone who will do whatever it takes to be successful.
  2. You find a franchise that fits the operator’s goals & skills (not yours). My team can help you find this franchise.
  3. You invest capital. They invest time.
  4. A passive investor still signs the franchise agreement and technically becomes a franchisee.

How do you structure an operating partner agreement? That’s a future newsletter topic.

How I Can Help

I offer a 100% free service to help people buy their first franchise.

It costs you absolutely nothing, plus we help our clients get a BETTER DEAL than they would on their own.

We know what franchisors are willing to negotiate on. We know what buttons to push.

You’ll work 1-1 with a member of my team to explore franchises that match your goals, budget, skills & location.

We provide you with due diligence checklists & other resources to give you confidence.

Our business model is the same as buy-side real estate agents. We get paid by the seller (franchisor) if successful

Click here to book a discovery call


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