Brian Beers

My FREE group coaching program will help you find & buy the best franchises

✅ Are you looking for a proven path to replace your W2 income

✅ Do you want to build a better future for your family?

✅ Are you ready RIGHT NOW to get started on this journey?

This program solves the two biggest problems in franchising:

Problem #1 - Not All Franchises Are The Same

There are 3,000+ franchises in the US. Some of them are absolute diamonds. They have great systems, strong support, cutting-edge technology and happy franchisees.

A few franchises are dog sh*t. They have poor system, weak systems, and many unhappy franchisees who regret their decision.

In the middle there’s a ton that are mediocre on all fronts.

Problem #2 - Mismatch

Buying a franchise means starting a business.

You want to find a business that aligns with your goals, matches your natural skills, fits your budget and makes sense in your market.

Too many people follow the hype of the “fastest growing franchises” without pausing to confirm if that brand is a 100% match.

A business that could make perfect sense for me given my goals, skills, budget, and location could be a terrible choice for you…. and vice versa!

What Does the Free Program Cover?

  • Terminology
  • Franchisee fees
  • Royalty structures
  • Expansion strategies
  • Franchisee validation
  • Due diligence process
  • Understanding the FDD
  • Funding options pros & cons
  • Huge red flags to watch out for

What’s Include in the Free Program?

Online Course – go at your pace with our comprehensive online course covering all the topics listed above.

Live Calls – I host a weekly live call diving into strategies plus open Q&A about specific brands, due diligence, and more.

Franchisor Webinars – these pre-recorded webinars allow you to learn about a brand’s background, competitive advantage, startup costs, ideal franchisees, and performance from the comfort of your coach!

Community – an digital forum to connect with other members, ask questions, get answers, and learn from others going down the same path

1-on-1 Matching – you’ll work with an experienced coach on my team to find franchises that match your goals, skills, budget & location.

Is This Actually Free?

This program is 100% free with no obligations, upsells, or bait-and-switch tactics.

I could easily charge thousands for this coaching and people would happily pay because it’s packed with valuable insights, knowledge & tactics that I’ve learned over the past decade.

But instead I’ve decided to make this program totally free.


I have three reasons:

Reason #1 - Franchise Authority

I want to become known as America’s #1 authority on franchising. I’m writing a book that comes out later this year.

I am going to need your help in creating a massively successful book launch. 

What better way to create an army of raving fans than to provide a ton of free value?

Reason #2 - Life Changing

I’ve built more cash flow, wealth & freedom than I could have ever imagined by owning a franchise business.

Success in franchising is a muscle.

A few years ago we were doing $5M per year. Then we grew to $10M, $20M, $30M, and over $40M in 2023. We expect to do over $50M in 2024 as we expand into new brands.

Franchising has changed my life and I want to help change yours!

Reason #3 - Exclusive Community

I run an exclusive (paid) community for driven-franchisees who want to build an 8-figure business & life.

It’s called The 8-Figure Franchisee

Like-minded franchisees connect to build relationships, share wins, challenges, P&Ls, goals, and hold each other accountable.

If we help you become a franchisee there’s a good chance you’re going to join my community to accelerate your growth!

Application Process

We want positive, growth-minded, entrepreneurs in the making who are ready to take action.