Brian Beers

I simplify business ownership one episode at a time on the Business with Beers podcast

Start With My Top 5 Episodes

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  • #1 Zaxby’s Franchisee
  • $100M/Year Franchisee
  • Lessons from a franchise legend
  • Launching my new franchise community

Plus a bonus episode with Nick Huber talking about changing the culture of entrepreneurship in America

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Take the actions others won’t
to live the life others don’t

Owning a business does not need to be complicated.

One of the biggest reasons I love franchising is that it simplifies the path to business ownership.

To help simplify business every topic we discuss will fall into 1 of 4 categories

1) People
2) Sales & Marketing
3) Operations
4) Back Office

This applies wether you are just starting or running a $100M/year business

That’s the beauty of simplicity. We can cut through all the fancy terms & technology.

Simplicity gives you clarity. Clarity gives you power

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find & buy the best franchises

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