In January 2021 I hired one of the best real estate/mindset coaches to teach me about buying apartments.
All the richest guys I knew were in the apartment business.
Me? I just owned a few boring franchises (6 at the time).
On the 1st call he asks, “Why get into something new when you’ve already got something that works?”
That question hit me like a truck.
I’d been telling myself I needed to “diversify” through new opportunities.
But what I was really doing was running from three fears I didn’t want to admit:
Self-doubt – can I really build this thing bigger than it is now?
Fear of failure – what happens if I grow, take on a bunch of debt, then fail?
Diversification – all of my eggs were in one basket, which felt dangerous.
He didn’t buy any of it.
“Most business owners chase shiny objects because they’re afraid to go all-in on what’s working,” he told me.
We made a list of every reason why the business couldn’t grow 5X.
One by one, we crossed each “reason” off the list.
They weren’t real barriers. They were excuses wrapped in fear.
That’s when he helped me realize something powerful: successful entrepreneurs aren’t any smarter or more educated than me or you.
We all have the same 168 hours per week.
The difference is their ability to dream big and drive hard daily to hit their goals.
So I asked myself “why not me?”
If they can do it, then I can do it.
Instead of getting into something new, we doubled down on Midas.
6 months later we acquired 9 new stores.
Then 15 more in 2022.
Today we have 33 shops that do $45M+ in revenue.
We have a roadmap to $100M as we grow the sales, acquire more shops, and expand into other brands.
Here’s the kicker: I ended up investing passively in a few apartment syndications.
Most of them have stopped distributions and are laying off staff.
I dodged a bullet there.
The truth nobody talks about: your biggest opportunity is usually right in front of you, hidden behind a wall of fear.
The “boring” business you already understand is almost always a safer bet than the exciting new thing everyone’s talking about.
But it takes courage to double down.
Here’s what I want you to do today: grab a piece of paper and write down your three biggest fears about growing your current business.
Or maybe it’s quitting your W2 job to buy your first business.
Then next to each fear, write what would happen if you faced it head-on.
You’ll find most fears dissolve when forced into the light.
You’re not alone if you’re struggling with a similar decision. My community of franchise owners meets monthly to tackle exactly these challenges.
Sometimes the difference between staying stuck and breaking through is just having someone ask you the right question.
What’s holding you back?
Reply to this email and let me know. I read every response.